Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus Transit 2012

I have been waiting for months to document this rare event. I don't want to wait another 105 years for the next one. It was awesome because I got to do it with my wife. We woke up at 5am to prepare equipment and went to an overlooking place inside our village in antipolo that faces east. Weather was not really that promising but I was still able to image through my baader 5.0 filter.


I am still imaging, weather looks better. I shoot everytime there's a cloud opening.


Imaging again.


Venus' transit speeds up from the simulation. I am imaging. The sun is at zenith and I have tracking problems. But Im still able to take good shots.I am shooting every 5 mins now.


Thank God that i was able to document one of the greatest astronomical event of the century.

The "black drop effect" in contacts II and III was not as pronouced as Captain Cook's observations centuries ago.


Black Drop Effect at Contact III

Contact IV


Venus at greatest transit (~9:30AM PST) and AR11493

Party with sunspots!

Contact II

Contact I Cloudy but good enough!