Monday, April 27, 2015

Philippine Hawk Eagle (Nisaetus philippensis)

PHE video 1

Phases of the Moon

It's been a long while since my last update, I was able to get back to astrophotography after a very long hiatus, due to work, weather and seeing conditions.

Here's a growing collection of Moon shots, I was able to do 6 consecutive days of imaging between April 22 - 26 2015 because weather has been favorable. Hope to take more in the coming days.

042215 19% illuminated Waxing crescent

042315 27% illuminated Waxing crescent

042415 37% illuminated Waxing crescent

042515 47% illuminated First quarter

042615 56% illuminated Waxing gibbous

042715 64% illuminated Waxing gibbous