Thursday, October 6, 2011

Moon: First Quarter

around 47% of Full
around 57% of Full
One of the easiest subject to image when starting astro-photography. How can you miss our closest neighbor. The Moon is an amazing subject because it changes every evening. Because of its revolution around the Earth, the reflected light from the Sun varies, what we see as different Phases. The line between night and day is called the Terminator. For me, it's like a playground for imaging.

The Moon is filled with lots and lots of Craters, Lunar Maria and Mountain Ranges. Each one, Man already named. Yes, we have mapped the Moon, even it's "dark side". The shadows casted by the terrain are just amazing in the eyepiece of a telescope, something photography can only capture a glimpse of.

For many people, Moon is just a common object, and insignificant. After all, other things must be more important. Common things and common People become insignificant. But nothing is insignificant, everything has a purpose..even the Moon.

Both images are taken in the evenings of OCT 4 & 5 2011 between 21:30 & 22:30, in Cainta Rizal, Philippines.

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